
Uncategorized Apr 14, 2024




   This is when we take a journey into the depths of our inner-most being. When your soul discovers that you do in fact have a spirit inside of you. Some people call the spirit the intuition or the  subconscious. This is where the problem began.

  • We have made the locomotive the caboose. The superior part of our being the inferior part. We’ve become artificial because we’ve been programmed by the superficial. Our system has been hacked and our hard drives are being filled with corrupt files.
  • Your senses are giving you signals “something is missing, this can’t be all I was created for…Why am I even here?”
  • You are here at this time and in this space to bring something unique to humanity. You were planted in your generation to grow and flourish (to bear fruit that can be tasted) and provide a unique ingredient for the betterment of Humankind. No one can be you and you can’t be anyone else. Sugar may look like salt, but it’s not salt, nor can it be salt! If you sauté your meat with sugar or put salt into your coffee, you’ll get an immediate reaction from those you serve. That’s exactly what happens when we try to be something or someone we weren’t created to be. We are perceived as fake, phony, artificial or lacking authenticity. This may seem harsh, but it’s the result of not knowing, being or doing who and what we truly created to be and do. To say it another way, we have not identified and therefore are not living out the purpose for which we were created.
  • If this, is you; you probably spend a lot of your time worrying about what other people are thinking about you? Well, most of the time they are not thinking about you at all, because they are too busy thinking about themselves. So, why not just be for real?
  • Once you get the revelation as to why you were created, your reaction is sure to be; “it was right there in front of me all the time.” How about this…It was right there inside of you all the time. Come out, come out whoever you are!
  • Now that you’ve discovered why you’re here. Can you see what it does for your self-worth? From nothing to everything, from no one to the one!
  1. Your purpose is bigger than you. Your purpose is more important than you. We are only temporary whereas our purpose, if properly fulfilled will endure for generations to come. How is our purpose properly fulfilled? For more info: 




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